Saturday, July 28, 2007

Psi Factor

No I am not talking about Psi as Pi in “Life of Pi”. Psi is a non-living object having its own identity. It has many brothers and sisters who are equally non-living, which is indeed logical. This Psi family makes many of the living objects’ lives either hell or heaven, depending on how they take its presence. I feel the former is more valid as it is more recurring. These living objects are mainly humans who are as disoriented as Psi is, irrespective of whether they had a blue pill or the red pill. Psi comes into a human’s life when the human life form is five or six years old. Psi wants to explain that it is useful and tries to cling to the human, binds her and bounds him to narrow domain of its own world. A typical human tries to figure out everything in her life through Psi. So much so, that if an intellectual human reads something without Psi, he feels that whatever written is wrong. Psi converges human thoughts into kaleidoscopic shapes, when what it should be doing is diverge those shapes into thoughts. All humans are actually leading a life like what Jim Carrey portrayed in “The Truman Show”. Psi oversees bloody every goddamn move you humans make and I am not playing Aykroyd here. It is more omnipresent than the proverbial ether and the mystic god. Scott Adams tried to prove that humans are god’s debris. I am trying to prove that god might be a Psi’s debris.

It is beyond the classically structured logic. Psi is so bloody powerful that it counts your breaths, your heart beats, your eye lid blinks, the hormone secretions in your brains and even the telepathic brain waves. It has a self adjusting mechanism to optimize the numbers of the above counts. It has a self destructing mechanism when someone tries to oversimplify it. There are some disagreeing lot but they are foolish. Even the phooeygooey’s shark is unaware of it. The seven pirates tried to find its source in the seven seas, Psi was just above them and beneath them and besides them, but they could never find it. The not-so-little-green-man expedited the highest snow capped mountains on earth but Psi was within the snow and not to be seen. Psi had rocked all the demons out of Saynd which made him plunder the blue’s fodder. Dvuak concluded that a normal digicam is not adequate to capture Psi and experimented with a single lens reflex camera instead. However he could never imagine that the pentaprism of his SLR itself was made of Psi. The precise zoom adjustments were happening only because of the features Psi had enabled. Slightest vibration in Psi family makes the last son of krypton shudder with pain. Sarih, the thinker, saw a glimpse of Psi during his last moments, which he thought was the moment full of life.

Its not that Psi is bad or good. But it should not be ignored. It is just present and it has to be circumvented. It travels everywhere but stays at the same place too. To see it, you have to see what is beyond the obvious, because it is a part of the obvious. I think Pink Floyd understood it and even tried to make people aware of it. They didn’t discover the actual Psi but just some attributes of it and they didn’t discover because I was not born yet. Now that I am here, I will show you humans that there is a world beyond Psi and you don’t have to limit yourselves by that subterfuge.


phooey said...

wow !

msahni said...

"sigh" nice read...

Ganu said...

Good thoughted stuff! Nice way to keep people wondering <:d>

dg3a said...


The Puppet said...

Once Psi also tried to track down ISI's erratic movements, but only managed to capture the following signal 'VYUWAAYEEVUUAH'.

He could never decipher what it meant even though he had the advantage of having non-stop trivia come to him whenever he wished.

He then went to the deepest jungles of the Congo, but everyone he found disagreed with him.

Tired, he came back and found a little white rabbit who gave him all the wisdom of the world.

Incidentally, the journalist who released Psi's story worldwide got a 'one week suspend'.

The birds flew away and sadly, all that remained was 'Psi-co'.

Anonymous said...

ha classic:) The fish who is unaware of the water surrounding it.

Amish Trivedi said...

The Psi factor is always there. Its just that you should have belief in it.