Friday, June 8, 2012

The Joker

I am a big fan of Batman movies. Especially the latest ones made by Nolan. I may have watched The Dark Knight about 161 times (not counting the specific short scenes which i might have watched for 2012 times). 

Its so hard to not be fascinated by The Joker. I never knew about Heath Ledger before...well, knew about The Patriot and Brokeback Mountain but hadn't watched those movies. So much so that I had never seen Heath's photos without his Joker make-up. I didn't want to - for some abstract reason...just wanted the Joker's image to be very strongly imprinted in my mind. 

With his make-up on, I could not really figure out how old was Heath...I never went through the detailed stories of his mysterious death. My assumption was that he was a middle aged guy. Just today I stumbled upon his wikipedia page and was so bloody touched....he was so young ! Just about 3 yrs older than fantastically talented . Read through his story and his work. Its such a big loss to not seeing him around.

Though this sounds unconnected, but I want to watch The Dark Knight Rises more for Heath than other reasons  - like it is going to be the grandest movie ever made